Exercise Right Week

May 18th, 2017 | HIp pain, Neck Pain, Sport Injuries | Comments Off on Exercise Right Week

Exercise Right Week

exercise right weekExercise and Sports Science Australia’s ‘Exercise Right Week‘ runs from 22nd – 28th May this year.  The aim of this event is to encourage all Australians to build regular physical activity into their lifestyles.

The importance of this is highlighted by Roxburgh Park and Sunbury Chiropractors, Dr Dan & Dr Janet  who quotes figures from the Australian Government Department For Health leaflet ‘Be Active For Life’ published in 2014¹. These show more than 56% of us, that is 9.5 million Australians, are either inactive or have very low levels of physical activity – and this worrying trend is being replicated in children, teens and younger adults too.

Why is Regular Exercise So Important?

exercise right weekIt is clear that exercise, whether this is participating in sport, taking exercise classes, going to the gym or activities such as gardening and walking the dog, can all help reduce the risk of disease (such as heart disease, some types of cancer and type 2 diabetes for example). Exercise is also beneficial in helping to maintain a healthy weight. Surprisingly, regular exercise also increases self-esteem, improves concentration and lessens the risk of mental health issues, such as depression.

Because we are all unique, with our own physical challenges from pre-existing injury, the wear and tear on our bodies that comes with the number of birthdays we have had, or an ongoing health issue, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to taking up exercise or a sport.

In fact, it can be downright harmful to launch into exercise without the help and guidance of an expert and the blessing of your healthcare practitioner! This is why the aim of ‘Exercise Right Week’ is to get everyone exercising in the right way for individual circumstances and health issues.

How Can Chiropractic Help?

exercise right weekDr  Daniel & Dr Janet see many patients in the Chatfield Family and Sports Chiropractic clinic who have exercise goals including getting fitter, losing weight, improving their mobility and general health but who have concerns because: –

  • They may not have done exercise other than mowing the lawn or walking the dog, since leaving school.
  • They may have biomechanical problems affecting knee, hip, ankle, shoulder, elbow, wrist, neck or spine that hold them back from participating.
  • They may be overweight or obese.
  • They may have a chronic health problem that they are receiving Hospital or GP care for.

All these factors must be taken into consideration. The holistic approach of Chiropractic has helped many patients: –

  • To recover from an injury or regain joint mobility problems caused by biomechanical factors
  • To make diet and lifestyle changes to manage their weight effectively and achieve weight loss if needed
  • To achieve realistic exercise and fitness goals (in conjunction with their GP in the case of those with pre-existing health conditions)

To find out more about how Sports Chiropractic could help you, call us on either Roxburgh Park (03) 9303 9952 or Sunbury (03) 9746 3977. Help, support and advice from your Sunbury Chiropractor can help you to begin being more active during ‘Exercise Right’ week and beyond!

¹ If you would like to download your own copy of the ‘Be Active For Life’ leaflet Dr Chatfield mentions above, you can do so here. This leaflet contains useful information and a lot of tips and ideas for getting you started on your mission to ‘Exercise Right’!

As a footnote, Chatfield Family and Sports Chiropractic would like to point out that while they wholeheartedly support the aims of ‘Exercise Right Week’, they are not endorsed by, or affiliated with this event.

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