Upper Back Stretches for Back Pain Relief
About 2.5 million Australians experience back pain every year. While there are various causes, back pain can stem from tight and stiff muscles, making stretching a popular go-to for alleviating pain and soreness. Stretching can also help prevent dreaded and unwanted back pain!
So, here are a few of the best upper back stretches to target unwelcome back pain and get back to living your best life.
Causes of Back Pain
Back pain, particularly upper back pain, happens due to various causes, including:
- Poor posture: Bad posture, such as that when sitting, can lead to unnecessary stressors on different parts of the body. It can also cause other muscles to compensate, leading to pain.
- Herniated discs: This happens when the inner part of the vertebrae disc slips out of place, leading to pain and other symptoms.
- Spinal misalignment: This happens every day through regular movement. While most don’t cause pain or other symptoms, sometimes, spinal misalignments can result in aches and discomfort.
- Muscle strain or injuries: Injury can lead other muscles to have to compensate. In turn, this can lead to back pain.
- Vertebrae fracture: While less common, this often occurs due to falls, sporting accidents, or car accidents.
- Myofascial pain: Trigger points can occur in the myofascial tissue, the connective tissue surrounding the muscles, leading to pain.
- Osteoarthritis: Natural wear and tear can lead to osteoarthritis, even in the spine, causing varying degrees of pain and discomfort.
3 Upper Back Stretches to Help Alleviate Back Pain
If you’re experiencing upper back pain currently, we encourage you to visit our clinic to determine the root cause and say goodbye to pain once and for all. In the meantime, you can try the following stretches for some relief.
It’s important to note that if any of the following stretches cause pain, it’s best to ease off or go to just before the point of pain. Now, let’s get stretching!
1. Chair Twists
Sitting at a desk for hours can cause excessive tightness and stiffness throughout the upper back muscles, resulting in pain. The chair twist can be an easy way to loosen and elongate those stiff muscles.
Follow these steps:
- Sit in an armless chair and cross your arms over your chest, resting your hands on your upper chest.
- Gently twist to your left side, bringing your right elbow toward your left hip to feel a gentle stretch through your upper back.
- Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side. Repeat the stretch on each side up to three times.
2. Seated Levator Scapulae Stretch

source: backintelligence.com
When we spend hours bent over our phones and computers, the muscles in our backs and necks can become stiff and tight, resulting in pain throughout the back. The seated levator scapulae stretch helps elongate the levator scapulae muscle, helping to alleviate tightness and pain in the upper back and neck.
Here’s how to do it:
- Start in a seated position on a chair.
- Grasp the bottom of your chair with your right hand for stability.
- Angle your head down toward your left shoulder with your chin nearly touching your chest.
- Gently press against the back of your head with your left hand to feel the stretch through the right side of your neck.
- Hold the position for up to 20 seconds, then switch to the other side.
3. Child’s Pose

source: backintelligence.com
Child’s pose is typical in relaxing yoga routines, but its uses go beyond winding down for bed or calming the mind for meditation. This soothing pose helps stretch the large muscles throughout the upper and mid back, including the Latissimus dorsi, which can get tight due to daily activities and exercise.
Here’s how to do it:
- Spread out a yoga mat or choose a cushioned surface to start on, like a bed, carpeted floor, or blanket.
- Start in a tabletop position with your knees slightly wider than your hips.
- Tuck your feet under so the tops of your feet rest against the floor beneath you.
- Push your hips backward to rest your bottom on your heels, straightening your arms in front of you as you move back.
- Rest your forehead on the ground. If resting your head on the floor feels uncomfortable, place a rolled-up blanket, yoga block, or pillow under your head to keep your neck comfortable.
- Hold the position for 20 seconds or several deep breaths.
- Slowly exit the pose and return to the starting position.
- Repeat the process three times.
Need More Help? Schedule an Appointment With Our Skilled Chiropractors!
If your back pain sticks around despite your best efforts, even after stretches, it’s time to consult a medical professional. Our knowledgeable team at Chatfield Chiropractic is well-versed in diagnosing back pain and providing personalised treatment plans to help you find the relief you want.
Don’t let your back pain get in the way of your favourite activities and all-around comfort. Schedule an appointment to consult with one of our chiropractors today!