The 4 Benefits of Using Kinesio Tape

The 4 Benefits of Using Kinesio Tape
September 26th, 2022 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on The 4 Benefits of Using Kinesio Tape

The 4 Benefits of Using Kinesio Tape

The 4 Benefits of Using Kinesio TapeIf you’ve noticed athletes competing with brightly colored tape around their knees or shoulders, you’ve seen Kinesio tape at work. This unique tape mimics the elasticity of the skin while it applies tension and is used in a growing number of applications.

Kinesiology tape is frequently used to support recovery from injury but is also used to relieve pain, protect and prevent further injuries—and even enhance performance. So, let’s find out more about the benefits of Kinesio tape.

What is Kinesiology Tape?

Kinesio tape is adhesive on one side, porous (allowing the skin underneath it to breathe), and elastic, so it moves with the movement of the skin. When it is applied correctly, the tape pulls slightly at the skin, which creates a vacuum effect on the tissue below. This encourages the body’s natural healing process and can protect areas of the body as they heal.

This treatment is safe for babies and the elderly, is non-invasive, and often provides almost instant pain relief from a wide range of injuries or conditions. The tape also doesn’t restrict movement and remains in place for three to five days (It can even be patted dry when wet!).

4 Benefits of Using Kinesio Tape

Maybe your chiropractor has suggested Kinesio tape for you, or you’ve wondered if it makes sense for you. Well, Kinesio tape is actually suitable in a variety of situations. Some benefits of using it include:

1.    Provides Pain Relief

Kinesio tape provides almost immediate and natural pain relief. As the tape raises the skin away from the damaged tissues or inflamed joint, it encourages the movement of fluid away from the area. This increase in circulation brings oxygen-rich blood to the area. It also reduces swelling by increasing drainage as the lymph system functions more optimally.

2.    Aids Recovery

The tape increases the space around the injury or inflammation, which allows the body’s natural healing process to function more efficiently. Lactic acid—a waste product from exercise—can be eliminated, nutrient-rich blood flows freely into the region, and the lymph drains away from the inflamed area. The result is a faster recovery without any invasive or medicinal interventions.

3.    Prevents Injury

In situations where an athlete or performer (like a dancer) has recovered from an injury and is ready to train again, taping provides additional support to the weakened area. It helps rebuild muscle strength and decrease muscle spasms. This support helps an athlete build stamina more quickly.

Taping also increases balance during movement and when stationary. This treatment provides the athlete with peace of mind that their body is supported and ready to get moving. The result is a reduced risk of a repeat injury.

4.    Improves Performance

Kinesio tape creates space around a joint which enhances its range of motion. This increase in flexibility improves an athlete’s performance. This is further helpful in situations where there is inflammation around the joints or wear on the joints. In competitive sports, this benefit is a game-changer for athletes aiming to perform to the highest of their abilities.

Away from the sports arena, taping can enhance the performance of the body in a variety of ways. Strategic taping can improve posture, support healing from chronic lower back pain, and improve movement around arthritic joints.

Should You Try Kinesio Tape?

Purchasing and applying Kinesio tape yourself may seem harmless, but there’s a risk of applying it too tightly, which can increase the inflammation in the area—and ultimately, does more harm than good.

To maximise the benefits of this versatile treatment option, seek the help of a trained chiropractor. At Chatfield Chiropractic, our team can help you discover all the advantages of Kinesio tape. Book your appointment with us today!

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